Home » 10 Things You Should Know About Your First Trimester

10 Things You Should Know About Your First Trimester

Embarking on the journey of pregnancy brings forth a whirlwind of emotions and changes, especially during the elusive first trimester. From physical transformations to emotional roller coasters, the initial 12 weeks are a crucial period for both the mother and the developing baby. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the 10 things you should know about your first trimester, offering insights and practical tips on how to navigate this transformative phase successfully.

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1. Morning Sickness May Not Be Limited to Mornings

Contrary to its name, morning sickness can strike at any time of the day, leaving you feeling nauseous and fatigued.

Every woman’s experience will vary, however, it’s a nice heads up to know that “morning” sickness could actually stick around for most of the day during the first trimester.

This was the case with both of my pregnancies, where I felt sick throughout most of the day. Many women find some relief from nausea with water crackers or ginger candies.

Consider talking to your healthcare provider about safe remedies, and don’t hesitate to take breaks to rest when needed.

2. Emotional Roller Coaster: Hormones at Play

Fluctuating hormones can lead to mood swings and heightened emotions, catching many expectant mothers (and their partners) off guard.

Mood swings may actually be one of the first signs of pregnancy and you may not even realize it in the moment.

Communicate openly with your partner and support system about your emotions. Engage in activities that bring joy and relaxation, such as meditation or gentle exercises. Remember, it’s completely normal to experience a range of feelings during this time.

3. Fatigue Hits Hard

You have probably read or heard of many women experiencing fatigue during their first trimester but let me tell you – it can hit harder than expected.

The increased demand on your body during the first trimester often results in intense fatigue, requiring more rest than usual.

I remember days working at my desk when sudden waves of fatigue would hit and it was nearly impossible to stay awake. Fortunately, I have mainly worked from home during both pregnancies and my coworkers were understanding of the situation so I could slip naps during lunch time.

Don’t forget to prioritize sleep and listen to your body. Create a bedtime routine and if you can, consider taking short naps throughout the day. Delegating tasks and seeking support from those around you can also alleviate the load.

4. Dietary Adjustments Are Crucial

Your nutritional needs change during pregnancy so ensuring a well-balanced diet is vital for both your health and the baby’s development.

Consult with a healthcare professional to create a pregnancy-friendly diet plan. Focus on incorporating foods rich in folic acid, iron, and other essential nutrients.

Also, consider prenatal vitamins as recommended by your doctor.

5. Frequent Bathroom Trips Become the Norm

Increased blood flow and hormonal changes contribute to more frequent urination during the first trimester.

Stay hydrated but be mindful of your fluid intake closer to bedtime. You may want to plan your outings with easy access to restroom facilities and invest in comfortable and easily adjustable clothing.

6. Breast Changes Are Inevitable

Breast tenderness, enlargement, and darkening of the areolas are common changes during early pregnancy.

Tenderness may be one of the first pregnancy symptoms you experience, and you’ll likely notice the other changes soon after, however there is no need to be concerned as these changes are normal. Understanding these changes can help you embrace the natural process of your body preparing for motherhood.

I suggest avoiding keeping the girls in a too tight bra and investing in a supportive and comfortable one.

As always, discuss any concerns about breast changes with your healthcare provider.

Here are some favorite maternity bras:

7. Increased Sense of Smell and Food Aversions

During the first trimester, hormonal changes can heighten your sense of smell and trigger food aversions, making some odors and flavors unbearable.

You’ll likely quickly find smells that you cannot stand and this can actually include smells or foods that you loved or that never bothered you before.

During my first pregnancy, I couldn’t stand the smell or sight of shrimp which has always been one of my favorite foods. Then during my second pregnancy, I couldn’t stand the smell of coffee which has been a part of my daily morning routine for years!

So yes, the pregnant body is highly unpredictable.

Be mindful of strong smells, and if certain foods become unappealing, explore alternative nutritious options. Consider cooking and storing food in well-ventilated areas to minimize discomfort.

8. Educate Yourself on Pregnancy Symptoms

Beyond the common symptoms, there are various lesser-known indicators of a healthy pregnancy or potential complications.

I highly recommend reading reliable pregnancy resources, attending prenatal classes, and asking questions during your check-ups.

This book was so resourceful and provided me with so much information as a newly and second time mom.

Staying in the know will help keep you informed of what changes to your body you can expect week by week along with changes and development of your little one. Being informed also empowers you to make educated decisions about your health and the health of your baby.

9. Changes in Skin and Hair

Pregnancy hormones can lead to changes in skin pigmentation, acne, and alterations in hair texture. Every one has a different experience so make sure you adapt your skincare routine to accommodate any skin changes.

Choose pregnancy-safe products and consult a dermatologist if needed. Embrace the natural changes in your hair, exploring styles that require minimal maintenance.

My first pregnancy brought me the best skin I’ve seen in a long time, while my second brought out the middle school acne in me again. Luckily, the skin clears up for most after the first trimester and there are many pregnancy-safe products that can help – like the Cetaphil Pro Oil Removing Foam Wash and The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% serum.

Read about other highly effective pregnancy-safe skincare products for acne-prone skin in this post.

10. Embrace Self-Care

Taking care of your mental and emotional well-being is as important as physical health during the first trimester. Your body is undergoing so much change so don’t feel bad or guilty for needing a little extra TLC – you need and deserve it!

Try incorporating self-care practices into your routine. Whether it’s a warm bath, a good book, or a leisurely stroll, make time for activities that bring you peace and relaxation.

Remember, a healthy and happy mother contributes to a positive pregnancy experience.

To Conclude

As you navigate the exciting yet challenging first trimester, remember that each pregnancy journey is unique.

Embrace the changes, prioritize your well-being, and savor the anticipation of the beautiful journey ahead.


Diana Colibri

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