Home » Top Tips and Tricks to Comfort Your Teething Baby

Top Tips and Tricks to Comfort Your Teething Baby

Teething is a natural and often challenging phase in a baby’s development. As their first teeth start to emerge, babies can experience discomfort, irritability, and disrupted sleep. Naturally, you may be wondering what you can do to help comfort your teething baby.

While it’s a trying time for both parents and babies, there are several effective ways to provide comfort and relief.

In this blog post, we will explore how to comfort your teething baby with practical tips and strategies to help both you and your little one get through this challenging period.

Understanding Teething

Before diving into specific comfort strategies, it’s essential to understand what happens during teething.

Teething typically begins around 4-6 months of age, although it can vary from one baby to another.

During this process, the baby’s first set of teeth, usually the lower central incisors, starts to push through the gums. This can be painful and cause various discomforts, including:

  1. Gum Soreness
  2. Irritability
  3. Excessive Drooling
  4. Sleep Disturbances
  5. Changes in Appetite

Now, let’s explore ways to comfort your teething baby.

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Offer Chilled Teething Toys

Chilled teething toys can provide much-needed relief for your baby’s sore gums. The coldness helps to reduce inflammation and numb the discomfort.

Make sure the teething toys are specifically designed for babies and free of any small parts that could pose a choking hazard. I recommend placing them in the refrigerator, or in the freezer for only a short period of time, as toys that are too cold can harm sensitive gums.

Use of Teething Pacifiers and Teething Mitts

Teething pacifiers/mitts are made of baby-safe materials and can be a convenient way to provide your baby with something safe to chew on.

Several have bumpy textures that help provide comfort as they chew on the pacifier.

Gently Massage the Gums

A gentle gum massage with a clean finger can be very soothing for your teething baby.

Wash your hands thoroughly, then use a soft, clean finger to massage the baby’s gums. Applying gentle pressure can help alleviate discomfort and encourage the teeth to emerge more easily.

Cold, Soft Foods

If your baby has already started on solids, offering cold, soft foods can provide relief.

Chilled applesauce, yogurt, or pureed fruits can be both soothing and nutritious. Ensure that the foods are age-appropriate and free of any potential choking hazards.

You can also consider using a silicone feeder with a mesh bag to let your baby safely gnaw on cold fruit slices.

Use of chilled pureed fruits to comfort your teething baby

Offer a Cold Washcloth

A simple, cost-effective solution for soothing teething pain is a cold, damp washcloth.

Soak a clean washcloth in cold water, wring it out, and then place it in the refrigerator for a short time. Your baby can chew on the cool, textured fabric for relief.

Just be sure to monitor your baby while using a washcloth to prevent any accidental swallowing of fabric fibers.

Pain Relief Options

In some cases, teething discomfort can be intense, and you may consider using over-the-counter pain relief options. Consult your pediatrician before using any medication, and if approved, follow the recommended dosages carefully.

Popular options include infant acetaminophen or ibuprofen, but it’s essential to use them sparingly and only as a last resort.

Other options include teething gels, like these by Dr. Talbots and Orajel, which are applied directly to the gums to provide relief. They are formulated with ingredients like chamomile and arnica to help with teething pain and discomfort.

Most importantly, they are belladonna and benzocaine-free, so little ones aren’t exposed to harmful ingredients

Provide Distractions

Sometimes, the best way to comfort a teething baby is through distraction. Engage your little one with their favorite toys, books, or play activities.

The extra attention and playtime can help take their mind off the discomfort and provide a sense of comfort and security.

Keep Up with Oral Hygiene

As soon as the first tooth emerges, it’s time to start practicing good oral hygiene. Use a soft, age-appropriate toothbrush and a tiny amount of fluoride-free toothpaste to clean your baby’s teeth.

This not only helps with teething pain but also establishes healthy dental habits for the future!

Comforting Routines

Establishing comforting bedtime routines can help your teething baby sleep better at night.

A warm bath, a gentle lullaby, and a cozy bedtime story can create a soothing atmosphere that promotes restful sleep.


Teething can be a challenging time for both you and your baby. It’s crucial to remain patient, calm, and supportive throughout this phase. Understand that your baby is not deliberately being fussy, but rather, they are experiencing pain and discomfort.

Remember to consult with your pediatrician for advice on pain relief options and natural remedies, and always prioritize your baby’s safety and well-being.

I wish you all the best as you navigate the teething period and hope that these tips and tricks help provide the comfort your little one needs!


Diana Colibri
