Home » Hi, I’m Diana – Welcome to My Blog!

Hi, I’m Diana – Welcome to My Blog!

Hi there and welcome to my very first blog post! I’ve had the intention of creating a blog for quite some time, but I finally decided to put a stop to the procrastination and execute! My hope with this blog is to not only serve as a creative outlet but to also be your go to gal for attainable fashion inspiration, beauty recommendations, and motherhood insights. I have a passion for many things, including fashion, beauty, cooking, and my latest as of this year- all things motherhood.

Here are some questions I’ve answered for you to get to know me a bit more:

Favorite season of the year and why?

Fall Ya’ll! There’s just something about perfect 75-ish weather and layered clothing that puts me in a great mood. Now, I will say that the Houston area seems to experience Fall later during the year – practically taking over when a normal Winter would be, but I’ll take whatever I can get 🙂

Cooking, baking, or neither?

I’ve always been more of a night owl and find that its usually when I’m more productive, but I recently had my first baby and find myself waking up between 5-6am to get things done while my baby is still sleeping. In other words, I don’t sleep much anymore, but I’m slowly coming to terms with this new way of life.

I actually enjoy both, but I find myself cooking a lot more and enjoy trying new recipes. I grew up quite spoiled by my mother’s Mexican food and though I know I’m not near as good a cook as she is, I try my best at recreating many of her recipes.

Introvert or extrovert?

100% introvert. I’ve always been a bit more on the quiet, reserved side and would prefer to stay in the comfort of my own home than going out. However, I’ve always had this internal desire to break out of my shell even when my mind tells me otherwise – not sure if that makes sense. Essentially, by default I’m an introvert, but put in great effort to try things out of my comfort zone. Creating this blog, for example, has been one of my greatest desires, however the introvert in me has tried pushing it as far down my list. I hope that through this I am able to express myself and get closer to that introvert-extrovert balance I’d like to have.

Coffee or tea?

As mentioned, I’m a new mom and find much help in that morning cup of coffee. Also, my husband, a Costa Rican native, drinks coffee like his life depends on it and I can’t lie – he’s got me hooked.

What do I do to relax?

I enjoy a good fiction book – those romance novels really reel me in. And of course,

something about some retail therapy always seems to have a relaxing effect on me:)
